Maximise your organic reach on Twitter with ChatGPT (How to generate non-stop tweet ideas)

It's not overhyped at all.

"ChatGPT", "ChatGPT", "ChatGPT".

Me: "I wonder what all this noise is about."

"ChatGPT now has 1 million users in only 5 days!"

Me: "Hmm..."

Elon Musk replies to Sam Altman (OpenAI CEO): "ChatGPT is crazy good. We aren't far from crazy strong AI"

Me: "Wow, this looks cool. I wonder what Twitter is up to"

"ChatGPT is a free assistant!"

"ChatGPT is the best invention since the pen!"

After 43 days of this productive torture, I finally looked into what this tool was capable of.

And for the first time ever, I felt afraid for the future of creators.

I got my first phone when I was 7. It was the best thing ever at the time.

I enjoyed phones, tablets, TVs and all other kinds of mobile rectangles. They were amazing. I'm sure you'll agree — since you've had the same experience.

Almost a decade later, I was all in on the idea of Virtual Reality. Robots also looked cool.

The concept of AI, however, didn't get the same obsessive response.

And when I did my research on ChatGPT, OpenAI's latest invention, it looked exact;y like a tool for takeover.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT (GPT - Generated Personalised Text) is a super advanced AI capable of understanding and generating, as the name implies, via text.

It can do research.

It can write anything (emails, newsletters, cold DM pitches, e.t.c.).

It can tell jokes.

It can ask you questions.

It can code!

It's so smart. Maybe it should be illegal. Lol.

And, I'm sure you feel the same about the tool. But along the way, I came to realise something interesting.

AI will only replace the people who think it will.

I was curious to see why the tool was developed. So I did some research on its CEO, Sam Altman.

His intent behind this tool was to save us thousands of hours of research and give us a more efficient way to do things.

In short, ChatGPT was made to be a better google and not a better human.

So let's make the most of it.

Today we'll talk about using it to generate tweets. But before that, you should note that ChatGPT is merely a tool. It's only as good as its user.

Justin says it best here:

So, here we go:

Case 1(a): Find Topics your audience is interested in

The old way of doing this was by curating all the questions and compliants your audience gives you as you create online.

But now, ChatGPT has stepped in to wipe those hours of research. However, I would still recommend you do your research from time to time.

ChatGPT Approach/Prompt:

"What are the topics most important to [the ideal audience] trying to [achieve goal]?"

In this case, here's what I used:

Case 1(b): Find Specific challenges around that topic

ChatGPt has now armed us with a few options. Now let's expand one of them.

PS: You can make a thread by expanding on these points.

ChatGPT Prompt:

"What are the common struggles of 'creating engaging content'?"

Case 2: Generate Hooks 

This will come in handy for threads and newsletter openers. Here you can simply ask Mr ChatGPT to give you some ideas for hooks.

PS: Some of its ideas may not contain your industry lingo. That's why you shouldn't completely outsource your creation process.

Case 3(a): Build the tweet

If you took only one thing from the entire letter, it's this.

This prompt is so cool. In fact, it's the reason I'm writing this whole thread.

Case 3(b): Multiply it 5 times and post separately

Twitter is about saying 1 thing in 1000 different ways. So you can hit the little refresh button on the bottom right of the ChatGPT interface to get even more ideas.

Make sure to add your personal touch after what the tools generate for optimal results.

In conclusion....

ChatGPT is a superb tool. I'm still experimenting with adding it. It's been a blast so far.

It's new to the market still; it just shy of 2 months old.

Do as much research as you can about it before it becomes a red ocean.

I hope you have fun.

When the time is right, here is 1 way I can be of further service to you:

If you still lack a sense of direction while growing on Twitter, I'll recommend speaking to someone who is ahead of you — in experience and results.

I've been a creator for the last 12 months. I'll love to help you out. Come see what I have for you.