How I'm hitting 200k followers on Twitter in 2023....

Steal my 10 steps.

Happy New Year!

Please forgive me for wishing you late. In remorse, I have some goodies for you. Enjoy:

On December 2021, I needed traffic.

I was an affiliate marketer with no leads and no product sales after 3 months of 'work'. As you can imagine, this was a terrible spot.

Before then, I tried some shady lead-generation methods. Including pasting links in Twitter influencer comments. That didn't end well.

This got me to take a back seat and observe the top dogs in my space. The dude with 18,000 followers had abundant traffic flow. Same as Mr 40k followers. Hmm. It was obvious what I needed to do, right?

2 days later, YouTube suddenly recorded a new active user who typed the same keyword over and over again:

“Organic Twitter Growth for beginners”

The first 4 months were almost unprofitable. I attracted 700 followers. Compared to my efforts, that was lame.

But I was persistent. And eagerly waiting for this:

On May 10th, I crossed 1000 followers. And every 8 days after, I added another 1000 new members to the brand. I became the fastest-growing Nigerian marketing Twitter creator. An overnight success (if you may).

2022 started with 3 followers and ended with 50600+.

But that's the past. Enough of 2022, let's talk about 2023's goal: 200,000 followers.

Cool goal. But it's useless without the right processes. And processes you shall get in this letter. Let's get into it:

PS: Just curious, do you struggle with any of these?

  • Finding your niche?

  • Positioning yourself?

  • Generating content ideas?

  • Writing threads consistently?

  • Low Average Engagements (LAE)?

  • Building your audience size to 10,000 Twitter followers (and beyond)?

If you do, I have fantastic news.

On Wednesday (January 11th), I'll send an email showing you exactly how we can work 1:1 to help you fix all of the issues above. Anticipate!

Are you ready to build your online presence in 2023?

Expect the mail. Let's keep going:

1. Learn From the best

The 1st step to getting the result you want is finding someone who has achieved it. There are better ways than Trial and Error. This is one.

We have 8 billion smart monkeys (i.e. Humans) roaming this planet. There must be someone who has gotten the results you desire. Don't you think?

For my 2023 goal of hitting 200k Twitter followers, I'll be learning from these 4:

  • Trung Phan (achieved in 2021)

  • Justin Welsh (achieved in 2022)

  • The Defi Edge (achieved in 2022)

  • Sahil Bloom (achieved in 2021 & 2022)

I'll study their positioning, content style and growth strategies. I plan to get on 1:1 consultations with Justin and Sahil soon (I'll update you on how it goes).

2. Improve my Branding

"Branding is a huge To-Do for you honestly"

My friend, Julie, hit me with that 2 months ago. She's right. This goddamn creator doesn't have:

  • A personal website

  • A logo

  • ...or a Twitter Banner (lmao)

Yet. I don't have them YET. But it's in the works. You just wait and see.

I'm charged up on getting these into my inventory quickly since it affects my brand perception. We both know how important that is. I hope yours is intact.

3. Engage with more creators

Twitter gurus love telling you to comment 100 times daily. You must've gotten used to connecting the words "engage" and "comment", right?

Of course, I'll engage with other creators. No problem. But what happens in the DMs and outside Twitter is the real gold.

I plan to offer more support to creators I admire. To be precise, 80 creators (across audience growth, online business, peak performance and writing niche).

In 2022, I did a poor job of supporting my network. I took the most time. So, it's time to repay my "value debts" and stack up IOYs (I Owe You's).

I could cash out my IOY coupons by asking my new network to share my threads or promote my mini ebook (launching later in the year). Either way, stack some IOYs.

Imagine 53/80 creators respond positively. Crazy results.

Congrats, you're halfway through the mail! Keep going, intentional one:

4. Educate on Twitter MORE

I've done a good job at this so far. So, it's time to do a great job.

Last year, most of my content was too fucking beginner-level. This year, you'll get:

More actionable, authentic (real-life documenting), inspirational (stories) and entertaining (memes, perspectives) content coming your way.

Then there is also the new Twitter account I'm creating in a few months (We'll discuss this later. It'll be huge).

Twitter Spaces also have a chance of returning to my content calendar. And then I plan to increase my thread volume to 3 per week.

Imagine this Twitter content strategy:

  • 4 tweets per day

  • 1 space per week

  • 3 threads per week

You think this won't grab 150,000+ new followers after 50 weeks? I'm sure you have the right answer. "It's volume bro". Steal this for your own content plan.

5. Educate Off Twitter

Newsletter subscribers are the real audience. If Twitter kicks me off, I'm fucked.

That aside, Newsletters (what you're reading) are great for improving your expertise on a topic. There're 2 ways to show expertise:

  1. With social proof (awards, income milestones, number of followers)

  2. With depth on a subject

Short-form content (tweets, reels) grabs attention. Long-form content (newsletters, podcasts, 20-min+ YouTube videos) delivers immense value to the attention.

So improving and building the size of my letters is fundamental for my success (and yours too). Thank you for subscribing once again :)

6. Revamped Content Creation Process 

This new process is still in the works. I will talk about this process more in-depth in the future.

In 2022, I wrote threads and even Newsletters from the top of my head.

In 2023, for the sake of improving the content quality, the skeleton is:

  • Generate ideas

  • Outline

  • Rest

  • 1st draft (brainstorm)

  • Rest

  • 2nd draft (edit)

  • Rest

  • Final draft (critical editing)

  • Publish

Joseph Sugarmann calls this the incubation process. As a writer, our goal is not to write a whole book on the spot. We need our subconscious mind to get into the fray as well.

Those periods labelled as "Rest" is room for my subconscious to take over. If you have an idea of brain talk, you'll know that the subconscious mind is a gateway to infinite intelligence (In summary, intelligence beyond your imagination).

I promise to dive into this more. This letter is getting lengthy. Let's stop walking and start running.

7. Follower Appreciation

I made a poll days ago. The responses were wild. See for yourself:

88.4% of twits love getting replied to.

What's the point of creating daily content, attracting new followers and not appreciating them?

Most huge accounts do a great job at growing but a poor job of appreciation. No wonder most have shitty engagements. Here are some small actions I plan to take:

  • Replying to DMs faster

  • Create content my followers want to see

  • Replying to intelligent replies under my tweets

  • Jump on calls with a few outstanding followers weekly

  • Invite my space listeners to the stage to speak (when it returns)

  • Boost smaller creators by retweeting their stuff or giving them a shout-out.

I want my audience in the co-pilot's seat. If you don't love what I put out, you'll stop viewing. When that happens, I'll be out of business. You're that important to Francis :)

This will consume time, but this is what I love and live for.

8. Authority-based content

This includes:

  • Testimonials

  • Client result breakdowns

  • Sharing my income milestones, etc

My goal is to be more intentional about these. It's a anti-salesy way to show your authority. Here's a good example:

Pretty authoritative + he had a sweet CTA at the bottom. Client DM notifications must've made his phone go brr brr.

9. Timing

One reason why I'm following 219 people is to study their post times.

It's gonna suck when I post a thread at 13:08 and 4 competitors post between 13:10 - 13:15. My stuff will go under. Especially when we have a lot of mutual followers.

This is why I don't post tweets on fixed times (7 pm, 9:30 am). I use scattered times (8:26, 19:31).

I'm also curious about trying "follower wonk". It's a tool that helps check your follower's most active times. So we know when to post for the best results.

10. Becoming a FREE-value-giving machine

This is 100% inspired by one of my favourite creators: Kieran Drew. My aim is to build lots of cool courses and systems just to give them away.

Value is the answer indeed. Expect some giveaways.

Problem: Most Twitter giveaways are foolish. Most creators are only interested in adding more followers to their dashboards. Which is sad from a business perspective. Unlike them, I'll be focused on getting emails and upselling something in the freebies.

Most of these giveaways will be on my new Twitter account. Watch out.

This is where we call it raps my friend. These are the 10 strategies you can expect from me to scale to 200,000 Twitter followers.

  1. Learn from the best

  2. Improve my banding

  3. Engage with more creators

  4. Educate on Twitter

  5. Educate off Twitter

  6. Revamp my content process

  7. Appreciate my followers more

  8. More authority-based content

  9. Geek out over Timings

  10. Create a ton of FREE products

I'll love to see you get your first 10,000 followers this year. So keep an eye out for next Wednesday's email so you know how we can work 1:1!

PPS: If you got this as an email and you read it completely (from top to bottom), please reply with "TTB".

If you scrolled to the end or read this online, please send nothing. My aim is to make better letters. Thanks.