AB #3; This little secret will get you fans....

This lesson took me 9 months to learn but youll learn it in 9 minutes.

An anomaly: something ( or someone ) that deviates from what is standard, conventional or expected. 

Welcome 127 new anomaliesThis newsletter series is my imperfect attempt to offer value to you in a more indepth format. 

Every Friday ill drop 1 actionable audience building tips ( + stories as well )

Estimated reading time for today is 8 mins

New Changes: My mails will be divided into 4 segments 

  • The nail 🔩 - main lessons

  • The hammer 🔨 - what to act on right now

  • Highlights of my week 🎞

  • Some resources for you to enjoy 🔍

The Nail 🔩

Back in January, i was a nobody.

A nobody who wanted to be somebody. And Twitter was my status-boost ticket.

I admired people with large followings - i still do - and i wished for the same. So i did everything i could to gain more followers.

Fortunately, i succeeded.

Unfortunately, i succeeded.

The sentence above doesnt make sense right? At least until we understand is:

As creators... Our aim is not to attract followers. Its to attract fans

Fans are the ones who ultimately turn to customers. I was playing the wrong game the whole time!

I was busy increasing the number on my dashboard and missing the big picture!

"So, Francis... How do i attract fans?"

By telling stories, baby!

In 2022, attention is a resource millions of advertisers and creators (like you and i) are competing for.

Giving educational content is not enough!

Giving motivational content is not enough!

Giving entertaining content is also not enough!

Its time for something unique. Something different.

I present you: Personal Storytelling

I dont know about you, but i love movies - a lot. I made a time-costly mistake of subscribing to Netflix in September. Now im hooked!

Reason: Quality Storytelling.

I'm no storytelling master, but I've been implementing a simple technique Kieran Drew taught me 2 months ago, and its doing pretty well:

"Sharing your experience"

And you might have noticed it in my content these past few weeks. 1 in every two days i try to make my content personal. It's either...

- "Back in 2020..."

- "When i played codm..."

  • "While i was building my audience..."


It's because 40,000+ people didn't follow me on Twitter because of the words I'll put in front of their eyeballs daily.

They followed me because of the experience i was gonna deliver to them!

The kind of experience we can't find by pasting a line from our favourite book or by stealing someone else's content.

As creators, we need to stand out - through our unique lens.

Seth Godin's analogy on this scares me every time. "You're either unique or invisible".

FunFact: Do you know someone can be followed by 400k+ people and still remain invisible?

They can. When they focus on educating instead of sharing unique point of views.

Your goal: Be unique and valuable

Your vehicle of execution: Personal stories. Stories that educate, entertain, inspire and sell.

How to generate your personal stories: NEXT SECTION

The Hammer 🔨

These 2 activities have helped me track the storyworthy moments in my day

1. Journaling - A physical handwritten account of what happened in my day

2. Happy Gallery - A virtual documentation of everything awesome you accomplish

3. Focused Walks - A hybrid of meditating and walking. I take 30 mins per day to track whats happening in my life, what to improve on, avoid and be grateful for. 

I often get idea every time i engage in these activities or when i take a glance at them months after. So heres what i suggest you do:

i. Buy a journal from your nearest bookstore (Not an ordinary exercise book. Get something with style!)

ii. Create a private whatsapp or telegram group where you can post about your awesomeness

iii. Pick 30 mins in your day to go on a walk. I reccomend having your phone in your pocket. One rule: You will only take it out to write down an idea. Nothing more.

Highlights Of My Week 🎞

  1. Got various oppurtunities this week: Consulting gigs, ghostwriting offers, invites to podcasts, etc. The compound effect is ecstatic

  2. I hit 40,000 Twitter followers on Wednesday!!!!

  3. I wrote my first borrowed credibility thread (On Alex Hormozi). It got 770+ likes but got me more: 3 huge accounts followed me. Katelyn Bourgoin, Dan Go and Alex Brogan.

  4. I'm preparing a new offer for my followers who struggle with building their audience on Twitter

Resources 🔍

My thread on Alex Homozis hyper growth is one to read again. 

Check it out if you havent and please do retweet it.  'Kay?

Please reply this email with a rating out of 10.

4, 5, 8, etc. How good is it? 

The length, the colours, etc. Help me out here. 

I want to make the next one better

That's all for now, builder. See you next week.