AB #1: Heres how the "C" word made me my first $

AB #1: Heres how the "C" word made me my first $

An anomaly: something ( or someone ) that deviates from what is standard, conventional or expected.

Welcome 168 new anomalies! This new newsletter series is my imperfect attempt to offer value in a more indepth format.

Every Friday ill drop 2 actionable audience building tips ( + stories as well )

Estimated reading time for today is 7 mins

My mails will be divided into 3 segments (if it does change ill update you)

  • The Meat 🍖- main lessons

  • Highlights of my week 🎞

  • Some resources for you to enjoy 🔍

The Meat 🍖

Ever heard about Call Of Duty Mobile??

Y'know... the awesome First-Person-Shooter mobile game everyone was playing in the lockdown??

Heres a picture to jog your memory:

Isnt she beautiful?

This game was the shit!!!

I like to think you either played it or heard of it - at least.

It was good. Very good. Very Very Very Very good. So good you'll be stuck here listening to me talk about it for the next 5 minutes.

I've played many games in my short life. But this one was different.

It was unique because it was an online role playing game. One where you could play with or against users from all over the globe!

You see, I had little experience with shooter games.

I didn't like them. But CODM was too enticing. It was the first thing in my face at sunrise and the last thing i starred at before bedtime.

Naturally... I was bad at it ( Just like you when you started your online journey).

But, as strange as it may sound, i enjoyed it.

I played and played and played and played.

Still sucked, but still playing. Even when my blue infinix s4 got cracked in the center... I was steady on the grind.

Not long after... Gamers in the codm community acknowledged my gun skills.

I got invited to a ton of clans (group of players) and a handful of players wanted me to be their Gaming Sensei.

I dunno if you know this, but... I love the spotlight! 🕴🏽

I said Yes to almost everything that looked shiny. I was in multiple clans, had more friends than i needed and discovered my love for teaching.

Playing call of duty became more than a game to me. It became my duty (hehe).

Me 2 years ago:

The journey wasn't always rosy.

Some days i would play 10 games in a row without a win.

Other times, my ISP would literally take a nap while I'm exchanging bullets with an enemy. Few secs later, i would disconnect. And when i reconnect... My character is ☠️☠️ (This made me boil).

Sometimes, i would be drenched in tears because of how terrible my shooting accuracy was.

Or the proverbial: Icing on the cake... my mum.

She would call on me for an errand while i was gaming. Its an online game. This game had no pause button!

Despite all this... This 16-year-old never stopped! Months later... my skills catapulted me into my 1st sponsored tournament.

I and my team came 3rd place and took 10,000 NGN ($25) prize money home!!!

A few minutes later, i saw a credit alert notification of 1000 NGN ($2) land safely into my bank account from my team captain.

Oh boy! I wish you saw my face then. My mood was as though i landed a $151,000 ghostwriting client!

This wasnt just $2. It was the first time i ever earned online. And... I did it while having fun - which made no sense!

Little did i know that 2 years later... I would be earning this "no-sense money" monthly.

But the point is....

I was consistent ( our "c" word ), persistent, incessant, unwavered.

I could not get distracted from my game!

This was what ultimately made me money off it.

You can tie this idea to your business.

Maybe you have poor shooting accuracy ( 30 sales calls with 0 sales confirmed or your tweets are getting terrible engagements )

Maybe you struggle to get to "legendary rank" ( Your first $5k/mo or your first 10,000 followers )

It doesnt mean you should quit. You gotta keep moving bro.

Remember: 1 win will always be greater than 10,000 loses.

All we need as business owners is that one win!

I dont play CODM anymore but this lesson shaped my life forever.

This is the same drive that got me to 36,000+ followers on Twitter.

I hope this made sense to you in someway. Keep moving no matter how horrible the road may seem.

You can get your W!! Now make it realistic!

The key to success is consistency - Zak Frazer

Highlight Of My Week 🎞

  1. Well... Creating this newsletter is a major plus!

  2. I got my braces removed yesterday (Thursday). Do you know how long i had this shit on? 26 months!

  3. I discovered this amazing 17-year-old New Zealand kid, Stella, who makes $4500/month with her video agency. The internet is amazing isnt it?

Resources 🔍

📜 Syeds thread is my favourite this week. The dude went all-out! Check it here:

🎙 This Twitter space was mind-boggling. I recommend listening to it while youre taking your daily walks (which you should!):

🎬 Heres a video podcast featuring the 17-year-old anomaly, Stella (Be impressed and not oppressed):

So yeah.... This is the end friend. Ill send you a message on Sunday to curate your feedback on this email. Until then... Byeee